Wellcome to Art By Nahid

I am Nahid Shukralla, a visual artist
Art is my language, and this is my story. Through digital and traditional mediums, I explore the beauty of nature and the complex experiences of migraines. Welcome to my portfolio.


Here are examples of my work, featuring digital and traditional art, including vibrant digital creations, migraine art, and animations of migraine auras.


Nahid Shukralla is an Ottawa-based visual artist. In addition to traditional mediums (oil and acrylic,) Nahid uses digital mediums to paint abstracts of the world around her. She also uses the digital medium to paint and animate her migraine auras. Nahid had participated in many art shows in the Ottawa area. She is a member of Ottawa Art East and Arts Network Ottawa.


Want to see more of my art? Follow me on Instagram! I have two accounts: one dedicated to my art and another specifically for my migraine art. Stay updated, explore new pieces, and get behind-the-scenes insights